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Join BAS Club
Membership of the BAS Club is open to past employees of Operation Tabarin, the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (Fids), past and present members of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), and individuals who have been closely associated with these organisations.
Annual Subscription
The subscription for those opting solely to download the twice-yearly magazine from the club website will be £10 p.a. for both UK or overseas members.
The subscription for receiving the magazine in printed form and via the post plus having access to download is £15 p.a. if based in UK or £20 p.a. if overseas.
Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year.
Whilst payment to “BAS Club” by Standing order is preferred, other payment methods are available including direct transfer, PayPal or credit card (these incur Administration charges) or cheque.
Our Treasurer can advise further.
Application to Join
The Application Form for membership to the BAS Club is available here.
All queries should be directed to the BAS Club Membership Secretary.