Join BAS Club

Membership shall be open to past employees of Operation Tabarin, The Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey, past and present employees of the
British Antarctic Survey and close family members of the above.

Membership shall also be open to individuals whose work and/or interests in Antarctic matters merit it, particularly in respect of British Antarctic Territory,
at the sole and absolute discretion of the BAS Club Committee. Individuals who attain membership via this route will not be eligible to hold
Officer status on the BAS Club Committee or be a signatory to BAS Club accounts.

Anyone interested and feel that they are eligible please complete the Application Form  and read the Clubs’ Protocol on Data Protection. Provide all details requested, including permission for such to be recorded on a computer database, which would not be released to non-Members.

Application to Join

The Application Form for membership to the BAS Club is available by clicking on the link  APPLICATION FORM.

Annual Subscription

The subscription for those opting solely to download the twice-yearly magazine from the club website will be  £10 p.a. for both UK or overseas members.

The subscription for receiving the magazine in printed form and via the post plus having access to download is £15 p.a. if based in UK or £20 p.a. if overseas. 

Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year. 

Payment by Standing Order is the preferred method in that it cuts down administration for the club and saves you having to remember to pay each year.  You can set up your standing order easily in your online bank account using the Club Current account details. These will be sent to you on request.

Payee name; “The British Antarctic Survey Club”,

Sort Code; XX-XX-XX,  Account number; XXXXXXXX.

Make sure you include your Club membership number in your reference or we will not know that you have paid. Note the club cannot alter or cancel your standing order, only you can.

We can also take payment by PayPal which will incur a small additional charge. A credit card can be used for PayPal even if you are not a member of the scheme.  If you prefer this method, please contact our Treasurer, on the link below and he will send you the PayPal invoice.

Overseas members find it easiest to pay via PayPal, however, you can easily pay by International Bank transfer, (Swift payment), using the following. Full details will be sent to you on request;

Account name and address; The British Antarctic Survey Club, 23, Market Street, Cambridge, CB2 3PU, UK



Our Treasurer can advise further.


All queries should be directed to the BAS Club Membership Secretary.